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5 Ways To Use The Law Of Attraction When Texting A Guy You Really Like

Writer's picture: J.YuhasJ.Yuhas

Vibrate your way into his heart.

Texting is the norm when it comes to dating these days. But sometimes having to build a connection through a screen, knowing you have to captivate someone’s attention, can feel like a physical block from really getting to know them.

You feel anxious because you are afraid you may say the wrong thing and before you know it — poof! —the silent treatment. Or perhaps you’re at a loss for words because you’re unsure how to keep the conversation going.

Sending mundane text messages can really sabotage your chances for a reply.

Well, that’s about to change. Using the Law of Attraction techniques will shift your texting skills in a positive way. Your attractability naturally increases with kicka*s responses. And all your worries of what to say and what not to say will begin to wash away.

To receive those text responses that make you smile, vibrating on a higher frequency is an absolute must.

People find mates to be more attractive who are living in alignment with their goals. It reveals you are confident and authentic in living out your life purpose.

So, showing your softer side lets you genuinely connect heart-to-heart to magnetize the romance.

Here are 5 ways on how to text a guy using the Law of Attraction:

1. Use their language.

It will be imperative to use their choice of words or slang when sending a text message to tap into their world. By using their words, it shows you are relating to them to create a cohesive vibe. It naturally makes them feel like you “get” them because you are speaking their language. And relationships are all about relating to a mate.

So, this little text trick will do wonders when you want to receive a keen reply. Here’s an example:

  1. Text message from him: “I really enjoyed our dinner date over the weekend. Trying that new spot really satisfied my pizza craving.”

  2. Your reply text: “I agree, the pizza was spot on! So happy they opened a location in the states. Maybe we can grab dinner next weekend too?”

  3. Text message from him: “Next weekend sounds great! You pick the spot!”

“Spot” was the keyword the mate used to describe the restaurant. By using their keyword this creates a mutual alignment in understanding and relating to each other.

Other common examples to induce the connection via text are the use of emojis, photos, memes, or current social phrases.

2. Take interest in their lifestyle.

Everyone loves to talk about themselves, in good spirits of course. Asking a mate about their family, life experiences, or passions, allows you to establish rapport and build a foundation for a connection based on common interests you may share.

Organically, people are more likely to give you specific details when you show curiosity in who they are.

Taking a personal interest in the things that bring value to a mate’s life lets you gather an inside peek at who they really are. You can learn a lot about what they like or dislike which makes it easier when comes to planning dates.

Not only are you gaining knowledge about them, but you are learning about yourself along the way. This gives you impactful insight into finding a powerful alignment with each other.

3. Give compliments.

Who doesn’t love a genuine compliment? Pretty much almost everyone. A compliment can go along way when you show a person you genuinely value a certain aspect of them.

A few examples:

  1. “I really like the blue shirt you wore last night. It’s a great color for you.”

  2. “Thank you for dinner. You are a great cook!”

  3. “You’re pretty funny. You sure know how to make me laugh.”

When you speak with honest admiration, you’ll make any mate feel like a superstar. Not only will they like you more, but it will create instant oxytocin which will keep them coming back to you. Who wouldn’t want to hear feel-good compliments?

Just keep in mind they need to be real and from a place of kindness. This is something you won’t want to fake. Schmoozing is easy to read right through and often from a place of ulterior motive. So keep it straight with your mate.

4. Ask open-ended questions.

Asking open-ended questions lets the connection grow because it shows you are taking the initiative to get to know more about them. Open-ended questions encourage people to really open up by adding more facts and emotions to their responses. They don’t just give the gist, but they tell you the whole story.

If you find yourself asking closed-ended questions, people only have to reply with one-word answers. It doesn’t give much room for the conversation to continue to flow and grow. It’s almost like you are pulling teeth to have a conversation, which is the last thing you want to happen?

Some open-ended questions include:

  1. “Where are you from? What was it like growing up there?”

  2. “What did you do over the weekend?”

  3. “What are you up to tonight?”

Some close-ended questions include:

  1. “What is your favorite food?”

  2. “Do you like comedy shows?”

  3. “Have you ever been skydiving?”

5. Be authentic.

It’s very easy to hide behind a screen and not convey the real you. Unfortunately, this won’t get you too far in building a deeper connection, once it comes time to meet in real life.

Being your most authentic self is the only way to build a bond that will last and will attract authentic people into your life. Trying to be someone you are not will actually push the person you really like in the opposite direction or attract inauthentic people. It is a complete turn-off.

Believe it or not, most people love a mate who isn’t afraid to express their honest opinions or show their emotions. It’s attractive to expose your personality when first getting to know someone, flaws and all. This is the best approach to bringing a mate closer, as you are your biggest asset to success.

When it comes to the Law of Attraction, you can only receive what you are willing to give to a mate. If you are craving more romance, being congruent with your words and actions will crucial to manifesting integrity.

Integrity is all about sending the right message that is harmonious to your needs and interests. By having clear intentions, it leaves less room for texting errors. So make sure your vibe is beaming with positivity to receive the love you crave.

So if you’re texting someone you really like and want to magnetize the connection, try these five texting tips based on the Law of Attraction. You will begin attracting exactly what you want without feeling lost on how to get your needs met. The bond between the two of you will strengthen helping you achieve your relationship goals.

And, if you haven’t signed up for our free masterclass, then you’re really missing out on how to attract the man of your dreams.


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