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How To Get Guys To Ask You Out All The Time

Writer's picture: J.YuhasJ.Yuhas

You’ll have more dates than you know what to do with.

Are you ready for your dating life to do a 360?

Getting dates these days is an endless cycle of playing text message tag. Rarely ever is there a follow-through from a guy once his ego has been stroked. But, it doesn’t have to be that way.

In fact, it’s quite simple to get guys lining up around the block, chasing you for a date. It’s a matter of knowing how to tap into what he thinks.

Creating an intriguing dating profile that leaves him wanting more will have you getting hundreds of dates in under one month. You’ll have so many you probably won’t even know how to respond to all your requests.

Here is what you need to know about attraction and how to get guys to ask you out…all the time!

1. Use pictures that speak a thousand words.

Marketing yourself to getting unlimited dates is the key to your success. If your pictures are not “je ne sais quoi”, then the guy is already onto the next.

You have to prime yourself if you want to grab his attention because you only have seconds before he swipes over you. And if you can’t capture quality images with your camera, hire a photographer or grab your BFF for a photo session.

This is how you stop him in his tracks, captivate him, and keep him wanting more. The best way to intrigue a man with your photos is to make sure they tell an enigmatic story.

A variety of lifestyle images is vital. If you are unsure about what lifestyle photos look like, then check out your favorite lifestyle blogger on social media or Entwined Lifestyle’s Instagram.

Their photos often convey action shots of “I’m fun”, “I love life and am enjoying it to the fullest”, “I’m not afraid to go outside the box”, “I’m confident in who I am” (this is a huge element), and “I am passionate about x, y, and z”.

Your images should leave him perplexed and have him wondering, “Who’s that girl?”

2. Put yourself on multiple dating apps.

Limiting yourself to just one or two dating apps won’t cut it if you are trying to expand your dating opportunities and increase your chances of going on dates. If you want to be seen, you have to plaster your profile strategically on several apps. This is your personal branding and marketing dating campaign.

Each app offers a variety type of guys along with an underlying message of the type of relationship he is “looking for” based on the site’s reputation or his profile. You’ll need to read between the lines here to select appropriate matches.

It’s all about your approach, images, and what you say to land the date with him.

3. Become mysterious.

If you put your entire life on your online dating profile, then he has no reason to inquire more about you or ask you out on a date. You have to leave him with an air of mystery as to what you’re all about.

You can do this by keeping your photos feminine, classy, adventurous, alluring, and captivating. This shows you are confident in your own skin, making him desire you even more. Men can smell confidence a mile away and they crave it.  And when you have this aura about you, you will have him thinking and wanting more.

When you begin texting him, keep it simple and clean. Again, not revealing everything there is to know about you, like where you hang out every Friday night. You will want to give the impression you have an interesting life while leaving room for him since he won’t be your whole life, just a lovely addition.

The point is to show him who you are, so don’t tell him.

4. Create an alluring bio.

The language you use to describe yourself should leave him curious without wearing your heart on your sleeve. Describing yourself in a nutshell of only a couple hundred letters can often be a daunting process.

But, no need to overthink it! Less is more than rambling on about yourself. Leave that for the date!

You can keep it short and sweet by listing a few descriptive sentences  about what interests you socially or hobbies you enjoy, but never fully reveal the whole picture of who you are. You’ll lose out on the mysterious factor.

Think about words that make you unique. What makes you different from everyone else out there? Refrain from basic lingo like “foodie” and make it more interesting by using “pizza seeker”. Or try switching “MBA” to “sapiosexual” or possibly “healthy lifestyle” to “herbalist”.

This adds more personality and depth to your bio. The more creative, the better chance you have of getting your profile to stand out amongst the masses. And remember that grammar matters.

5. Make a presence.

When you first catch a glimpse of someone, you subconsciously read their body language, facial expressions, and the demeanor of how they present themselves before saying a word. Thus, your overall profile needs to project the positive energy you want to portray, all while aligning with your bio for an outstanding profile.

Having a kind, approachable, yet womanly vibe will make it easier for guys to reach out to you.

If you project too much sex appeal or party pics that are blasts from the past, then men will most likely only be connecting with you with for one reason: sex.

If you convey a sense of grace, elegance, yet fun and adventurous aura guys will be dying to ask you for a date. They will see you as the epitome of all women. Your charismatic presence speaks volumes in the online dating field.

6. Choose wisely what to wear.

This goes back to historical days of manhood and how men want a woman who is “untainted”. It’s in their subconscious to select a woman who appears to be more innocent and feminine over a woman who wears heavy makeup and provocative clothing.

He wants a woman who compliments his masculinity and doesn’t try to steal the show.

Wearing feminine textures and prints brings out your feminine qualities which are what he gravitates towards when looking for a woman. Men then think about appearance yet they would not directly say this is important because it’s an innate trait.

If you feel like it’s challenging to bring out your feminine side, consider lighter color clothing, ruffles, lace, and florals. These will naturally put your feminine energy in the spotlight bringing him closer to swiping yes.

7. Radiate optimism.

Having a positive and friendly attitude will have guys lining up to date you for months to come. No one wants to date a negative Nancy or a high maintenance drama queen. In fact, this turns many men off from wanting to even message you.

When men come home from a long day at the office, the last thing they want to do is figure out how to make you internally happy. You are responsible for your happiness and pursuing what makes you feel good on the inside.

A man will never be able to complete you, only you can give that to yourself. He will want a woman who has a positive outlook on life and knows what she wants and who she is. When you project positivity then he wants to be a part of your journey.

Jan and Jillian Yuhas are Dating and Relationship Lifestyle Coaches who help women allure the man they want. They create captivating dating profiles that will attract men to you in a matter of seconds. Contact them here for a custom profile, dating advice, or how to weed through your 100 dates to find the best match for you.

Source via YourTango


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