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Writer's pictureJ.Yuhas

How to Set Unbreakable Boundaries and Reclaim Your Life from Toxic People

unbreakable boundaries with toxic people

Setting and maintaining personal and relationship boundaries is essential for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. However, it can be incredibly frustrating and disheartening when someone consistently disregards your boundaries.

Trying to set unbreakable boundaries with a toxic person can feel like an uphill battle as they tend to make everything about themselves and not even listen to a word you say. However, setting boundaries can be empowering as you will feel more at ease knowing you voiced your value rather than staying silent to keep the peace.

Whether it's a friend, family member, coworker, or romantic partner, dealing with such individuals can be emotionally taxing. Toxic people can truly ruin your entire day if you don’t have personal boundaries in place for yourself. These types of people can also be quite manipulative and make you feel guilty for speaking up or go as far as playing the victim.

Toxic people tend to have these types of behaviors and characteristic traits:

  • Display deceitfulness

  • Take advantage of you

  • Criticize or belittle you

  • Hold a sense of entitlement

  • Tend to be angry or aggressive

  • Struggle to apologize

  • Will triangulate others into the conversation

  • Refuse to self-reflect or take responsibility

  • Show jealousy or envy

  • Disregard your feelings, ideas, or thoughts

  • Try to control the conversations

Here are 11 strategies to help you assert your boundaries effectively and foster healthier relationships:

1. Self-Reflection: Understand Your Boundaries

Before addressing the issue with the other person, take some time for self-reflection. Understand what your relationships boundaries are and why they are essential to you based on your relationship values. This self-awareness will help you communicate your limits more effectively and help you feel prepared when you communicate your limits.

2. Assertive Communication: Use "I" and “We” Statements

One of the most effective ways to set a boundary or address boundary violations ASAP is through direct and assertive communication. Use "I" statements to express your feelings and needs clearly that also supports the common goal for the relationship. If you want someone to comply with your boundary, it will also need to benefit them in order for them to agree. And using “we” statements can show you are on the same team, despite their unfavorable behavior. For example, say, "I feel uncomfortable when I am lied to. I value honesty. How can we be honest to best support a healthy relationship?"

boundary badass scripts

3. Stay Firm Using the Five Cs: Avoid Escalation

When discussing your boundaries, remain calm, constructive, confident, concise, and consistent. Avoid getting too emotional or engaging in heated arguments as this will make your boundary seem less credible. Staying calm helps convey the seriousness of your boundaries so they will more likely be received well and comply. The delivery and tone of voice can truly impact the outcome, and whether or not they will agree.

4. Consistency Is Key

Consistency is essential when dealing with someone who doesn't respect your boundaries. If you aren’t consistent they will not hold your boundary as meaningful nor think it’s not important. Being consistent shows you need them to take it seriously.

There’s a quote: “Say what you mean, and mean what you say” which shows your integrity and desire for the same standards for yourself and them.

5. Reassess and Establish Boundaries for Boundary-Testing

Communicate a new boundary or reassess for repeated boundary violations. If they agreed to the original boundary but failed to follow through, then it's possible you and the other person weren’t on the same page or didn’t get to the root of the relationship disconnect. Toxic people are more likely to test boundaries to see what they can get away with as they love to be in control and have power.

6. Limit Contact: Protect Your Well-being

In extreme cases or if the person repeatedly disrespects your boundaries despite your efforts, consider limiting contact. Reducing the time you spend or communicate with them can protect your well-being and reinforce the importance of your boundaries. This lets them know you mean serious business and you have reached your limit with the emotional and psychological abuse.

7. Seek Support: Share Your Struggles

Discuss your situation with trusted friends, family members, or a relationship coach, but make sure it's someone else the other person doesn’t know. You do not want to triangulate a mutual friend or shared family member into the relationship dynamic, as this creates more stress and chaos. Sharing your experiences can provide emotional support and offer valuable insights on how to handle someone who doesn't respect your boundaries.

8. Set Personal Boundaries for Yourself: Practice Self-Care

While focusing on others respecting your relationship boundaries, don't forget to set personal boundaries for yourself. Prioritize self-care and self-love ensure you are respecting your own personal limits and values. Leading by example can inspire the other person to follow suit and see how you live a fulfilling life and confidently own your worth.

9. Document Violations: Keep a Record

Maintain a record of instances when your boundaries were violated with this person. This documentation can be invaluable if you need to involve others, such as HR at work or authorities in more severe cases. It can also help you keep track of how often they violate your boundaries so you know whether it's worth having them in your life. Seeing things in black and white can help you gain clarity on the next steps.

10. Reevaluate or Redefine the Relationship

Consider the overall health of the relationship. If the person consistently refuses to respect your boundaries and causes harm, you may need to assess whether the relationship is worth maintaining. How is this person adding value to your life? Are they more helpful or hurtful to your well-being? Are they someone you need to keep in your life because you share kids, have a business partnership, a family member, etc? What does the relationship look like going forward where you can maintain inner peace?

11. Seek Professional Help

In situations involving persistent boundary violations, particularly in abusive or toxic relationships, consider seeking professional help. Relationship and Boundary coaching can provide guidance and strategies for coping with the situation, independently or collaboratively.

Dealing with someone who doesn't respect your boundaries over and over again, can definitely wreak havoc on your well-being. Remember that you have the right to set and uphold boundaries that protect your emotional, physical, and mental health. By practicing assertive communication, consistency, and self-care, you can encourage others to respect your boundaries or make choices that are in your best interest.


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