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Signs Your Pride Is Getting In The Way of Repairing Your Relationship After An Argument

Writer's picture: J.YuhasJ.Yuhas


In the intricate dance of human relationships, disagreements are par for the course. However, when pride steps onto the center stage, the aftermath of an argument can become a treacherous terrain to navigate — especially when emotions are at an all time high.

In this blog, we'll explore the subtle signs that pride might be obstructing the path to healing after a disagreement, and how recognizing and addressing these signs can lead to smoother and greater relationship repair.

1. Refusing to Apologize:

One of the most evident signs that pride is at play is a reluctance to apologize. If you or the other person find yourself hesitating to say sorry or admit fault, one’s pride might be standing in the way. Remember, a sincere apology is a powerful tool for repairing relationships and should not be underestimated. This allows an opportunity to have an open discussion where each of you can better understand the disconnect between the two of you.

2. Having a Defensive Attitude:

Pride often manifests as defensiveness. If you notice yourself becoming overly defensive, insisting on being right at all costs, it might be time to check your ego. Healthy communication requires a willingness to consider alternative perspectives and admit when you might be wrong or simply make a mistake. Getting defensive only exacerbates the relationship issue, leading to greater conflict and no resolution.

3. Avoiding Vulnerability:

Vulnerability is a crucial element in repairing relationships. If your pride prevents you from opening up about your emotions or admitting your vulnerabilities, it becomes a barrier to understanding and connection. True intimacy often begins with the courage to be vulnerable with your partner and express what value needs to be met in order to feel more comfortable when honoring your authentic truth. While it may be challenging to be open on specific topics, staying silent or overeating prevents you from receiving what you actually desire and need.

4. Lacking Empathy:

Pride can blind us from understanding the emotions and perspectives of others. If you find yourself dismissing or belittling you or your partner's feelings, it's a sign that your ego is overshadowing your ability to empathize. Acknowledging and validating your partner's emotions is essential for meaningful relationship repair as it enables each of you to find your differences and reach a common ground to whatever problem you are experiencing in your relationship. Empathy is important for keeping the door open, validating your partner’s perspective, and finding ways to work collaboratively together in the best interests of the relationship.

5. Maintaining a Scoreboard:

Healthy relationships are not competitions. If you catch yourself keeping score of who's right or wrong, who apologized last, or who made the first mistake, it's a clear indication that pride is playing a detrimental role. Letting go of the scoreboard mindset allows space for collaboration and compromise. It opens the communication channels, creating a positive atmosphere and eliminating the power struggle of me vs you and making it more of a we vs relationship issue.

6. Unwillingness to Compromise:

Compromise is the heart of resolution in relationships. If your pride prevents you from meeting in the middle or finding common ground, it can hinder the repair process and sabotage chances of getting what you want. A relationship thrives when both parties are willing to give and take, and create alignment based on each partner’s needs.

7. Using the Silent Treatment:

Using the silent treatment as a weapon is a classic sign of pride obstructing communication. Instead of fostering understanding, silence builds walls. Addressing the issue head-on, even if it means acknowledging your own faults, is crucial for a healthy relationship. Using silence shows weakness in one’s inability to effectively communicate so you can hold power over your partner. At the end of the day, it serves no purpose and becomes damaging to the relationship.

8. Showing Difficulty of Letting Go:

Holding onto resentment and grudges often stems from wounded pride. If you find it challenging to let go of past grievances, it's a signal that your ego is inhibiting the healing process. Forgiveness is a powerful antidote to pride's poison, and if you don’t forgive yourself or your partner — you are only hurting yourself from achieving what your heart and soul needs: long-lasting relationship fulfillment.

Recognizing the signs of pride interfering in the aftermath of an argument is the first step towards healthier relationship dynamics. By cultivating humility, embracing vulnerability, and prioritizing empathy, you can dismantle the barriers pride presents in your conversations. In doing so, you pave the way for healthy relationship repair and foster a deeper, more resilient connection with your partner.

Set-up a call to learn more about how to effectively communicate so your pride doesn’t hold you back from getting what you want and need with your partner.


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