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Writer's pictureJ.Yuhas

The Pitfalls of One-Sided Boundaries: Breeds Resentment and Disconnection in Relationships

one-sided boundaries

In every relationship, whether it be with coworkers, family members, romantic partners, or friends, boundaries play a crucial role in establishing healthy dynamics. However, when boundaries become one-sided and morph into ultimatums, they can sow seeds of resentment and disconnection, ultimately damaging the relationship. 

Many times, we set our boundaries in good nature to protect ourselves from emotional or physical harm. And, why you should definitely remove yourself in the face of danger, other interpersonal dynamic disconnections require more than a simple “No” to resolve the relationship discord and create greater alignment. 

Let's dive into how the phenomenon of healthy boundaries unfold across various aspects of life.

Workplace Dynamics:

In the workplace, one-sided boundaries can manifest when a manager or colleague imposes rigid expectations without considering the individual needs or circumstances of others. For instance, demanding excessive overtime without regard for work-life balance or dismissing alternate perspectives can breed resentment among team members. Such one-sided boundaries stifle creativity, collaboration, and morale, leading to a toxic work environment.

Family Relationships:

Within families, one-sided boundaries often arise from parental authoritarianism or sibling rivalry. Parents who enforce strict rules without providing explanations or considering their children's autonomy risk alienating them and eroding trust. Similarly, siblings who impose their will upon each other without compromise or respect for differences can sow seeds of animosity and estrangement, fracturing familial bonds.

one-sided boundaries

Romantic Partnerships:

In romantic relationships, one-sided boundaries can take the form of ultimatums or power struggles. When one partner dictates terms without open communication or mutual respect, it creates an atmosphere of control and coercion. Whether it's issuing ultimatums about major life decisions or refusing to compromise on trivial matters, one-sided boundaries erode trust and intimacy, leading to emotional distance and dissatisfaction.


Even in friendships, one-sided boundaries can lead to rifts and resentment. For example, a friend who constantly demands attention and support without reciprocating or respecting boundaries may strain the relationship. Similarly, imposing strict expectations or judgments on friends' behavior without considering their perspectives can breed resentment and alienation, ultimately leading to the dissolution of the friendship.

To address the detrimental effects of one-sided boundaries, it's essential to foster open communication, empathy, and mutual respect in all relationships. Instead of imposing ultimatums, strive for collaboration, compromise, and understanding.

Practice active listening, validate each other's feelings, and negotiate boundaries that honor everyone's needs within the relationship. By cultivating healthy boundaries based on reciprocity and mutual respect, we can nurture thriving relationships built on trust, integrity, and genuine connection.

Let's strive to build bridges instead of barriers, cultivating connections that stand the test of time. 


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